We are Northern Germany's leading AI engineering company.

Durch den Einsatz moderner und maßgeschneiderter KI-Technologien verbessern wir die Produkte und Prozesse umsatzstarker Unternehmen. Dadurch schaffen wir für unsere Kunden zukunftsweisende Wettbewerbsvorteile und eröffnen ihnen neue Wachstumschancen.

Automated forecasts
Use the full potential of your data with our AI-based forecasting. Through seamless integration into your existing workflows, we optimize the use of your resources. This increases your agility, enables more informed decisions in real time and provides you with valuable insights into your processes.
Relief for your workforce
The utilization of AI can result in the freeing up of your human manpower. Unleash your employees from repetitive tasks. A one-time investment in AI can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee. Automate labor-intensive processes with the help of AI.

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Customized AI solutions
We understand that every company is unique and therefore requires a customized solution. That's why we work closely with you to understand your requirements and jointly develop an AI solution tailored to your specific needs.